Congratulations! UAD English Literature Students Receive International Credit Transfer Program 2021 Fund

English Version

FSBK—Shohihuzzihni, an English Literature student at Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) received for the fund in International Credit Transfer program 2021 on Thursday, July 1st, 2021.

Reporting from, International Credit Transfer Program 2021 is a program to encourage the improvement of hard skills and soft skills of Indonesian students, expand networks, and understand the socio-culture of foreign nations.

This achievement is something Shohihuzzihni has dreamed of since entering college. Shohihuzzihni explained that he was targeting international programs.

“Yep, one of the things I’ve always dreamed of when I entering college was to join an international program. And one that I currently receive is the Credit Transfer program,” he said in an interview trough WhatsApp.

After graduating from this program, it did not make him satisfied. This English Literature student will continue to improve his quality.

“Obviously after this, with my passing in the program, I have to be able to improve myself to face and go through college well. I hope that I can bought UAD’s name to the world,” he wrote.

Passing the international program, Shohihuzzihni gave a striking message to students who often underestimated collage’s lesson.

“Motivation for friends, don’t underestimate college’s lesson. Don’t miss being in an organization. Because it is very wrong to say that ‘grade is not important’. While graduates with good grade alone do not guarantee success, especially those with bad grades,” he wrote.


Indonesian version:


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