Himakom UAD Becomes a Forum for 2020 Communication Studies Students Before Determining the Concentration of Majors

English Version

FSBK—Welcoming semester 3 of Communication Studies (Ilkom) Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) 2020 students, Himpunan Mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi (Himakom) held a webinar “Let’s Find Your Passion” on Saturday, July 17th, 2021.

Let’s Find Your Passion is the first event held by Himakom, the new management after the change long ago. Let’s Find Your Passion is an event intended for 2020 students, by inviting four speakers, namely Dewanta Pramayoga, a Public Relations professional; Saida Saniati, a professional Broadcaster; Heri Nugroho, S.Sn., M.Sn, UAD Broadcasting Ilkom lecturer; and Mufid Salim, S.I.Kom., M.B.A, lecturer in Public Relations of UAD Ilkom.

“This event is intended for 2020 UAD Communication Studies students who will soon determine the major between Public Relations or Broadcasting,” said Zalfa Jihan Kinan as the Event Person in Charge.

Communication Studies is one of the study programs at private universities, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta, which has two concentrations, that are Public Relations and Broadcasting.

Furthermore, Zalfa Jihan Kinan or who is usually called Kinan explained, Let’s Find Your Passion is an event to describe and open up insights into the world of Public Relations and Broadcasting, such as the two concentrations in UAD Communication Studies.

“The LFYP webinar aims to help provide an overview of the world of public relations and broadcasting to 2020 students,” she said after the event.

With this webinar, it is hoped that it can help 2020 Communication Studies students to get an overview of concentration before choosing a concentration, so as to minimize mistakes in taking majors.


Indonesian Version: https://fsbk.uad.ac.id/himakom-uad-jadi-wadah-mahasiswa-ilmu-komunikasi-angkatan-2020-sebelum-menentukan-konsentrasi-jurusan/


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