Congratulations! UAD’s Indonesian Literature Department Receives KSKI-MBKM and KMMI Grant from Kemendikbud

English version

FSBK—UAD’s Indonesian Literature Department Receives KSKI-MBKM (Kerja Sama Kurikulum dan Implementasi Merdeka Belajar-Kampus Merdeka) grant fund and KMMI  (Kredensial Mikro Mahasiswa Indonesia) Grant from Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Kemendikbud) 2021.

The Head of Indonesian Literature Department, Intan Rawit Sapanti, M.A, said that the grant that they got is KSKI-MBKM and KMMI grant.

“Yes, so there is KSKI-MBKM and KMMI grant that we got from Kemendikbud,” said Mrs. Intan in Wednesday, June 30, 2021 by WhatsApp.

Intan Rawit Sapanti, M.A explain that Indonesian Literature Department requested to design 3 program of Kampus Merdeka Belajar with KSKI-MBKM grant that they received.

“We received KSKI-MBKM grant to develop the Kampus Merdeka Belajar curriculum with its 9 pillars. So from the grant funds, we were asked to design 3 programs, that is a research program, an internship program, and the last one is a village development program. Later we will colaborate with partners that we have planned,” she said.

Intan Rawit Sapanti, M.A explained again the 3 programs that planned  to utilize the KSKI-MBKM grant funds.

“For the research, at the NTB Language Office with a research entitled ‘Documentation of Sasak Indigenous Oral Literature’. Meanwhile, the internship program is in the Yogyakarta Language Center with a scheme for learning Indonesian language for foreign students. And the last is village development. Later we will develop a village that can be followed by students. So next time, the students can take part in the 3 programs that the results of it  will be converted into Indonesian Literature Deparment curriculum,” she said.

Furthermore, Intan Rawit Sapanti, M.A explained, the KSKI-MBKM grant funds amount 65 million. While the KMMI grant funds amount 80 million. With these funds, in the KMMI grant, UAD’s Indonesian Literature Department was asked to make courses whose courses were completely new and had not been included in the previous Indonesian Literature Department curriculum before.

“The KSKI-MBKM grant fund is 65 million. While the KMMI grant funds amounted to 80 million. In KMMI, we were asked to make courses whose courses were completely new and had not been included in the previous study program curriculum. Well, this course will be directly related to industry. We collaborate with partners, and here our partner is Dini Media Advertising. There we will learn directly with copywriting experts, how to write good ad scripts,” she said.

The program is designed in E-learning with 14 meetings, with half theory from lecturers and half hands-on practice with experts.

“Later on, the program is designed in E-learning with 14 meetings, with half theory from lecturers and half practicing directly with experts. We hope that students (who take part) have real experience and expand their networking,” said Intan Rawit Sapanti, M.A.

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