ASELIS UAD Held LDK to Create an Active and Progressive Organization

English Version

FSBK— Association of English Literature Students (ASELIS) ​​Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) held a Basic Leadership Training on Sunday, July 18th 2021.

LDK is a program that is often held by student organizations, students, and professionals, including ASELIS. ASELIS’s Humas, Ilham Ramadan, said that LDK ASELIS UAD is a program that is held every year and is intended for the new ASELIS management.

“The Basic Leadership Training Event is intended for the new ASELIS Management for the 2021/2022 period, in which the Leadership Training program is a routine program for every new period or the change of new ASELIS management,” he said.

ASELIS considers that even in the midst of a pandemic, the LDK program must continue because it is a work program that must be implemented.

“We continue to do this event during the pandemic because it is included in the routine Program, and must be carried out. We carry out this event online, therefore we continue to do it during the pandemic, “said Ilham Ramadan.

On the other hand, ASELIS considers that this program is not only to complate the obligations, but also the future impact on ASELIS’ organization.

“We believe that this Basic Leadership Training will change the mindset of ASELIS members for the 2021/2022 period to be more active and understand how to organize well and creatively, as well as provide a new perspective on the importance of organization, the benefits of organization, and improving the soft skills gained when join an organization.” said Ilham Ramadan to the FSBK reporter.

Ilham Ramadan explained, the event entitled “Mewujudkan Organisasi Aktif dan Progresif di Tengah Pandemi” is expected to be able to develop ASELIS into a creative, progressive, and innovative Student Organization (ORMAWA).

Furthermore, Ilham Ramadan explained, to make this happen, there must be solidarity among ASELIS members.

“To achieve these expectations, there must be solidarity between members and improve the quality of ASELIS members. One way to make it happen by held this Basic Leadership Training,” he explained.

The event presented two presenters, namely Alvin Megananda, ASELIS Demisioner, with the material is about leadership and organization and Elly Rosmawati, ISMKMI National Executive, with material is about improving soft skills.

The event, which was held virtually on Google Meet, was attended by at least 36 people.


Indonesian Version:


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