Menilik P2K FSBK. Panitia: Mumet, Stres, Pusing, tapi Seru!

Indonesian Version

FSBK—Program Pengenalan Kampus (P2K) Fakultas Sastra, Budaya, dan Komunikasi (FSBK), Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD), berhasil digelar pada 13—18 September 2021 di ruang virtual Zoom.

P2K merupakan program pengenalan kampus—nama ospek di UAD. Program tersebut wajib bagi mahasiswa baru UAD sebelum memulai perkuliahan secara formal. Selama pandemi, P2K digelar secara daring.

Mhd. Arief, mahasiswa prodi Ilmu Komunikasi selaku ketua panitia fakultas menerangkan, dalam persiapan acara P2K fakultas, panitia merasakan banyak kendala, salah satunya adalah koordinasi dengan panitia pusat dan antardivisi. Namun, hal itu bisa teratasi sebab solusi yang konkret.

“Kendala yang kita rasakan cukup signifikan, yaitu alur koordinasi. Seperti soal rundown dari Divisi Acara, teknis dari Divisi PDD dan Perkap, makanan dari Divisi Konsumsi hingga yang terjun langsung secara virtual kepada mahasiswa baru melalui grup-grup dari divisi KSK dan Humas. Dan solusinya adalah dibentuknya grup-grup antardivisi yang bersangkutan dari seluruh panitia fakultas (panfak) bersama panitia pusat (panpus). Solusi ini sangat membantu guna penyampaian informasi secara langsung kepada divisi yang bersangkutan dari panpus ke panfak,” terangnya.

Dalam mengurusi P2K, banyak SDM yang terlibat dengan jobdesk di berbagai divisi, mulai dari acara hingga konsumsi. Mhd. Arief membeberkan bahwa panitia merasakan keseruan meski rumitnya persiapan dan saat acara berlangsung.

“Semua panitia merasakan mumet bareng, stres bareng, dan pusing bareng, tapi di situ keseruannya. Dan yang saya banggakan, kawan-kawan panitia militan. Mereka saya telepon sewaktu-waktu, pagi hari, meskipun pada waktu jam istirahat mereka, dan itu diangkat,” katanya.

Mhd. Arief kembali mengatakan, kawan-kawan maba harus mulai belajar dengan serius, mencari teman sebanyak-banyaknya, dan serius dalam melakukan sesuatu. Ia mengungkapkan, bagi kawan-kawan maba, saat ini bukan SMA lagi, maka harus serius karena sudah membawa nama ‘maha-siswa’.

“Saya berpesan bagi kawan-kawan maba harus serius lagi. Jangan takut salah. Cari teman sebanyak-banyaknya. Saat ini bukan lagi SMA. Kini temen-temen maba sudah membawa nama ‘maha-siswa’,” tuturnya.


English Version:

Come to See P2K Study Orientation in FSBK. Committee: Felt All Messed Up, Yet it’s Fun!

English Version

FSBK— Study orientation program that usually called P2K in FSBK, Univeritas Ahmad Dahlan, successfully held on September 13—18 by Zoom meeting. This program is a mandatory activity for UAD’s freshman before begin their study in campus. During this pandemic, P2K is held online.

Muhammad Arief, a communication study program student as the committee leader explains, committee faced some problem during the preparation for faculty orientation program, one of the problems is the coordination with the central committee and interdivision. However, the problem solved by a concrete solution.

“Our obstacle is quite significant, that is the coordination flow. For example, the rundown from event division, the technical from PDD and Perkap division, food from the consumption division, until the one who take care of the freshman by all group from KSK and public relations division. In the aim to solve the problem we made some group interdivision concerned from all the faculty committee with the central committee. This solution highly helps to deliver information directly to the division concerned from the faculty committee and the central committee” he explains.

On the P2K activity, a lot of the people that involved with the job desk in various divisions, from the event until the consumption division. Muhammad Arief positively tells that all the committees felt fun even the preparation and all the activity during the event is complicated.

“All the committee together felt puzzled, stressed, dizzy at the same time, it felt messed up, yet it it’s the fun things of this event. The one that I proud he most is our committee militant buddy. I called them all the time, in the morning, even in their rest time, and they pick it up,” he said.

Muhammad Arief tell again, all the freshman must begin to learn seriously, try to make a lot of friends, and to be serious to do all things. He discloses to all the freshman, that they already grown up and were not a high schooler anymore, so they must to become more serious with the tittle “Maha-siswa” or more than just a student, the great student.

“I instruct to all the freshman to become more serious on everything. Don’t scared to make a mistake. Have a lot of friends as much as it should. The were no longer a high schooler. They were more than a student; they are a great student now,” he said.


Indonesian Version:


Mantap! Dosen Sastra Inggris Raih Beasiswa Doktoral di The University of Sydney

Indonesian Version

FSBK—Salah seorang dosen prodi Sastra Inggris, Lungguh Ariang Bangga, S.Pd.,M.App.Ling, berhasil mendapat beasiswa Doktoral di The University of Sydney, Australia.

Lungguh Ariang Bangga, S.Pd.,M.App.Ling meneliti soal kebahasaan bahasa Sunda dari sisi Linguistik Sistematik Fungsional dalam program beasiswa ini.

“Linguistik Sistemik Sungsional merupakan salah satu teori sosial bahasa; di mana bahasa dilihat bukan sebagai aturan-aturan baku grammatikal, melainkan sebagai semiosis. Dengan kata lain, bahasa dianggap sebagai ways to get things done,” terang Lungguh Ariang Bangga, S.Pd.,M.App.Ling.

Dalam wawancara pada Sabtu, 11 September, ia membeberkan bahwa kebahasaan yang ia ambil dalam program ini merupakan bahasa ibu baginya, yakni bahasa Sunda. Ia menjelaskan bahwa saat ini, banyak penutur bahasa Sunda tetapi baru sedikit yang mengkaji linguistiknya.

“Bahasa Sunda adalah bahasa Ibu saya. Di samping itu, bahasa Sunda juga merupakan salah satu bahasa yang memiliki penutur paling banyak di Indonesia. Terdapat sekitar 32 juta penutur bahasa Sunda menurut data dari Ethnologue. Namun, kajian linguistik bahasa Sunda cenderung masih sangat terbatas, terutama kajian-kajian yg dilakukan lewat perspektif linguistik sistemik fungsional,” katanya.

Kajian ini akan membuka pengembangan pengajaran bahasa Sunda yang difokuskan pada fitur-fitur kebahasaan seperti yang diharapkan Lungguh Ariang Bangga, S.Pd.,M.App.Ling.

“Lewat kajian ini, saya berharap dapat memberikan input terhadap pengembangan pengajaran bahasa Sunda yang difokuskan pada bagaimana fitur-fitur kebahasaan membangun makna pada teks dan konteks. Dengan kata lain, kajian ini juga menjadi salah satu langkah awal pengembangan pengajaran bahasa yang bertanggung jawab secara sosial dan kebahasaan (a socially and linguistically responsible language pedagogy); salah satu kelebihan teori linguistik sistemik fungsional yang mengedepankan konsep appliable linguistics (kontribusi kajian kebahasaan untuk memecahkan masalah yang ada di sekitar kita).” Ungkapnya.

Lebih lanjut, Lungguh Ariang Bangga, S.Pd.,M.App.Ling menjelaskan bahwa kampus penerima beasiswanya saat ini merupakan kampus saat ia mengambil magister. Selain itu, pembimbingnya saat ini merupakan salah seorang authorities pada bidang yang diambil, yaitu Professor James Martin.

“Beberapa tahun lalu juga saya menyelesaikan pendidikan magister di universitas dan departemen yang sama. Alasannya adalah Department of Linguistics adalah pioneer dari linguistik sistemik fungsional yang didirikan oleh MAK Halliday (pencetus teori ini). Selain itu, saya merasa sangat beruntung sekali karena dapat dibimbing langsung oleh salah satu authorities pada bidang ini, yakni Professor James Martin,” tandasnya.


English Version:


Great! English Literature Lecturer Wins Doctoral Scholarship at The University of Sydney

English Version

FSBK—One of the lecturers of English Literature study program, Lungguh Ariang Bangga, S.Pd.,M.App.Ling, managed to get a Doctoral scholarship at The University of Sydney, Australia.

Lungguh Ariang Bangga, S.Pd.,M.App.Ling researched the Sundanese language problem from a Functional Systematic Linguistics perspective in this scholarship program.

“Sungsional Systemic Linguistics is one of the social theories of language; language is seen not as standard grammatical rules, but as semiosis. In other words, language is considered as a way to get things done,” explained Lungguh Ariang Bangga, S.Pd.,M.App.Ling.

In an interview on Saturday, September 11, he revealed that the language he took in this program was his mother tongue, namely Sundanese.  He explained that currently, there are many Sundanese speakers but only a few have studied its linguistics.

“Sundanese is my mother tongue. In addition, Sundanese is also one of the languages ​​that have the most speakers in Indonesia. There are around 32 million Sundanese speakers according to data from Ethnologue. However, the study of Sundanese linguistics tends to be very limited,  especially studies conducted from the perspective of functional systemic linguistics,” he said.

This study will open the development of Sundanese language teaching which is focused on linguistic features as expected by Lungguh Ariang Bangga, S.Pd.,M.App.Ling.

“Through this study, I hope to provide input on the development of Sundanese language teaching which is focused on how linguistic features build meaning in texts and contexts. In other words, this study is also one of the first steps in developing socially responsible language teaching and linguistic (a socially and linguistically responsible language pedagogy); one of the advantages of functional systemic linguistic theory that puts forward the concept of appliable linguistics (contribution of linguistic studies to solve problems that exist around us,” he said.

Furthermore, Lungguh Ariang Bangga, S.Pd.,M.App.Ling explained that the scholarship recipient’s campus is currently the campus when he took his master’s degree.  In addition, his supervisor is currently one of the authorities in his chosen field, namely Professor James Martin.

“A few years ago I also completed my master’s education at the same university and department. The reason is that the Department of Linguistics is a pioneer of functional systemic linguistics founded by MAK Halliday (the originator of this theory). In addition, I feel very fortunate because I can be mentored directly  by one of the authorities in this field, namely Professor James Martin,” he said.


Indonesian Version:


Raihan Juara 1 Debat Bahasa Inggris Tim Prodi Sastra Inggris dalam DIPORSENI Nasional UT 2021

Indonesian Version

FSBK—Dua mahasiswa prodi Sastra Inggris, yakni Desti Nur Wahdiah dan Kenny Satrio Firdani berhasil menjadi juara 1 lomba debat dalam DIPORSENI Nasional UT tahun 2021 yang dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli—Agustus lalu di ruang virtual.

Dilansiri dari, DIPORSENI Nasional UT merupakan Diskusi Ilmiah, Olah Raga, dan Seni. Pada tahun ini, DIPORSENI Nasional mengangkat tema “Meningkatkan Kesuksesan Mahasiswa melalui Integritas, Sportivitas, dan Kreativitas”.

Kenny Satrio Firdani menerangkan, dalam mengikuti ajang ini, ia banyak di-support oleh kating dan komunitas DeCo. Selain itu, ia juga mengungkapkan, targetnya hanya semifinal saja. Akan tetapi, atas izin Allah, ia menjadi juara.

“Sebenarnya saya banyak di-support kating dan komunitas DeCo, tidak lupa juga dari Bimawa. Target saya hanya semifinal aja, karena saya masih bergabung dengan teammate yang belum pernah lolos tingkat universitas,” katanya.

Dalam kompetisi tersebut, Kenny Satrio Firdani dan satu temannya yang menjadi timnya, menyiapkan dengan cukup matang, dari mulai latihan secara intensif hingga melakukan daily practice bersama komunitas DeCo.

“Dalam persiapan, cukup matang. Kebetulan sedang ada latihan intensif juga untuk KDMI dan NUDC dari UAD. Maka dari itu, kami ikut berlatih juga. Selain itu, ditambah juga daily practice dari komunitas yang saya ikuti, yaitu DeCo,” ungkapnya.


English Version:


English Literature Study Program Team won the 1st Debating English Language Place in UT National DIPORSENI 2021

English Version

FSBK—Two English Literature study program students, namely Desti Nur Wahdiah and Kenny Satrio Firdani become the 1st winner of the english debate competition in 2021 UT National DIPORSENI which was held in July—August last in a virtual room.

Reported from, UT’s National DIPORSENI is a Scientific Discussion, Sports, and Art. This year, National DIPORSENI has the theme “Improving Student Success through Integrity, Sportivity, and Creativity”.

Kenny Satrio Firdani explained, in participating in this event, he was widely supported by the senior and DeCo community. In addition, he also revealed, the target is only the semi-finals. However, by Allah’s permission, he became the champion.

“Actually, I have a lot of support from the senior and DeCo community, not forgetting also from Bimawa. My target is only the semi-finals, because I am still joining a teammate who has never passed the university level,” he said.

In the competition, Kenny Satrio Firdani and one of his friends who became his team prepared quite well, from intensive training to doing daily practice with the DeCo community.

“In preparation, it is well-prepared. Incidentally, there is also intensive training for KDMI and NUDC from UAD. Therefore, we also practice. In addition, daily practice is also added from the community that I follow, namely DeCo,” he said.


Indonesian Version:


Tim Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi Menyabet Juara 3 Lomba Desain Poster dalam DIPORSENI Nasional UT 2021

Indonesian Version

FSBK—Tim prodi Ilmu Komunikasi yang terdiri dari Serly Putri Cahyaningtiyas, Daffa Amru Rahmanta, dan Rizqi Daffa Rizqi, berhasil menjadi juara 3 lomba poster dalam DIPORSENI Nasional UT tahun 2021 yang dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli—Agustus lalu di ruang virtual.

DIPORSENI Nasional UT merupakan ajang Diskusi Ilmiah, Olah Raga, dan Seni. Dilansiri dari, DIPORSENI Nasional UT tahun 2021 mengangkat tema “Meningkatkan Kesuksesan Mahasiswa melalui Integritas, Sportivitas, dan Kreativitas”.

Daffa Amru Rahmanta menerangkan, timnya harus mengakali ilustrasi peta Indonesia yang berbentuk horizontal di media ukuran A3 yang berbentuk portrait.

“Aturan A3 portrait. Karena kami mengilustrasikan peta Indonesia yang ukurannya memanjang secara horizontal, sehingga saat layout harus “ngakali” supaya ilustrasi tetep keliatan dan masuk,” katanya.

Cabang lomba poster merupakan salah satu cabang yang ada dalam DIPORSENI Nasional UT pada tahun ini, dengan tema “Membangun Sinergitas dalam Kebhinekaan”.

Daffa Amru Rahmanta menuturkan, dengan tema seperti itu, ide yang didapatkan dihasilan dari brainstorming bersama tim dan dosen pembimbingnya.

“Ide ilustrasi didapat dari brainstorming bersama tim & dosen pembimbing, mencoba untuk tidak biasa dan menonjolkan di sisi ilustrasi. Mengilustrasikan pulau-pulau Indonesia dengan budaya, landmark, ciri khas, dll. sebagai detailnya. Keberagaman Indonesia ditampilkan dalam ilustrasi, dsb.,”

Soal warna yang digunakan, Daffa Amru Rahmanta menjelaskan, bahwa warna terinspirasi dari tren desain saat ini. Hal itu bisa dilihat di situs Dribbble dan Bihance, katanya.

Menutup wawancara, Daffa Amru Rahmanta mengungkap senang dan susahnya selama lomba dan mendesain.

“Senangnya, ya, mendapat pengalaman berharga dan bisa menambah portofolio. Susahnya, ya, harus lembur mengerjakan artwork, tapi aku seneng,” tuturnya.


English Version:


Communication Study Program Team Won 3rd Place on Poster Design Competition in UT National DIPORSENI 2021

English Version

FSBK—The Communication study program team consisting of Serly Putri Cahyaningtiyas, Daffa Amru Rahmanta, and Rizqi Daffa Rizqi, won the 3rd place on the poster competition in the 2021 UT National DIPORSENI which was held in July until August in a virtual room.

UT’s National DIPORSENI is an event for Scientific Discussions, Sports, and Art. Reported from, the 2021 UT National DIPORSENI has the theme “Improving Student Success through Integrity, Sportsmanship, and Creativity”.
Daffa Amru Rahmanta explained, his team had to outsmart the illustration of a horizontal map of Indonesia on A3 size media in a portrait form.

“A3 portrait rule. Because we are illustrating a map of Indonesia whose size extends horizontally, so when the layout we have to “trick” so that the illustration can still be seen and suitable” he said.

The poster competition is one of the competition subdivision in UT’s National DIPORSENI this year, with the theme “Building Synergy in Diversity”.

Daffa Amru Rahmanta said, with a theme like that, the ideas obtained were the result of brainstorming with the team and their supervisors

“The illustration idea was obtained from brainstorming with the team & supervisor, trying not to be unusual and highlighting on the side of the illustration. Illustrate Indonesian islands with their culture, landmarks, characteristics, etc. as details. Indonesia’s diversity is shown in illustrations, etc.”

Regarding the colors used, Daffa Amru Rahmanta explained that the colors were inspired by current design trends. It can be seen on the Dribbble and Bihance sites, he said.

Closing the interview, Daffa Amru Rahmanta revealed the joys and difficulties during the competition and designing.

“The good thing is to get valuable experience and be able to add to the portfolio. The difficult thing is having to work overtime on artwork, but I’m happy,” he said.


Indonesia Version:


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